Since the success of Buy The Pallet we had noticed that outdoor materials had begun to form a sizeable part of the business and we had received feedback that people were having some problems to find the right products in amongst the building and tiling products. It’s at this point we began to develop the idea of a specialist website that takes care of just outdoor materials.

We launched Bulk Buy Landscaping in 2024,, focussing on materials for outdoor areas such as driveways, paths, patios, roofing etc. We kept the same purchasing format as on the pallet website as it is so successful, so there needs to be a pallet of something to be able to checkout. The reason behind this is two fold, manufacturers are fine about shipping significant loads of product and delivery is either free or easily worked in. When you’re into shipping boxes of different sizes and weights then you’re into a full size e-commerce operation, which has a lot more work-per-order in the administration. A pallet is also very easy from a customers point of view too .. free delivery. No infuriating get to the checkout and find out there’s a huge delivery cost.

Bulk Buy Landscaping is pretty much at the start of its journey and it’s also launching at the tail-end of autumn when the outdoor season has finished. So, t’s got time now to move up the Google rankings and start to become it’s own webshop. Bulk Buy Landscaping for outdoor and external materials can be found at Bulk Buy Landscaping, take a look it’s our move into diversification.