A Great Big Problem With A Fantastic Simple Solution

Building a new site for a client who has a fully mobile workforce of Engineers, we were asked this question, and the answer was simply that the majority of website visitors who are looking for a quote or a fast response, genuinely believe that submitting a contact form or sending an email is the best way to get it.

The conversation didn’t end there though. A comment like this suggests that this particular client has a problem, and so far, having a website, having a smartphone and making all of his work and administration remote, isn’t solving it for him. His problem, it became clear, was that try as he might, remembering to check his emails along with visiting customers, providing telephone quotes, carrying out work and coordinating a workforce with a similar workload was simply one task too many, with social media, telephone and SMS enquiries to deal with, he simply didn’t have the time to check his emails for requests that may or may not be there. And the contact he was missing as a result was adding up to approximately 30% of un-explored leads that were cold by the time he’d responded.

There are numerous talents throughout the Cybernautix team, and fortunately, letting go just isn’t one of them! If you have a problem to tell us about, don’t expect sympathy, expect a solution.

So we got to work, we wrote a little code, hooked it up to an online SMS carrier and ran a few tests. A few days later we were back on the phone to our frustrated client proudly confirming that we’ve thought about it and as a result created something that will work with both his current website and his ‘in progress’ site. Far be it for us to be humble – he loves it and we’re proud as punch!

And the moral of the story is, tell us everything you dislike about your website and your processes even if it seems irrelevant, if there’s an online solution to your administration difficulties or lengthy processes, we’ll find it and we’ll find it with a smile on our faces and a spring in our step.